Che-Hsuan Cheng passed the qualification exam of Material Science and Engineering Department and has become the first Ph.D. candidate in ExP lab. Congratulations!
Category: Standard
Prof. Deotare receives the Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
Prof. Parag Deotare received a Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to support basic scientific research in Nanoscale Exciton-Mechanical Systems (NEXMS). In this project, Prof. Deotare will investigate the interactions between exciton and mechanics, which will lead to a better understanding of exciton dynamics.
An exciton is an excited Continue Reading ยป
Princeton Instrument IsoPlane Spectrometer is Ready!
Princeton Instrument IsoPlane Spectrometer, a state-of-the-art spectrometer with zero astigmatism over all working wavelength, is installed in ExP lab. We’ll use this spectrometer to measure photoluminescence, Raman spectrum from 2D materials. Other spectrum related experiment may also be performed.